Love Towards Our Society

Love Towards Our Society​

Embark on a transformative journey with Community-Based Tourism (CBT) in Sri Lanka, where responsible tourism redefines the essence of exploration. In the shadows of a past where rural communities were often excluded from decision-making processes, limiting their access to tourism benefits, CBT emerges as a powerful force for positive change, rewriting the narrative of tourism. Local ownership is not merely encouraged but celebrated, with economic gains deliberately shared to break down barriers that have long hindered rural prosperity, all while committing to environmental conservation and cultural preservation.

A significant portion of profits from tourism become the lifeblood for a community fund, fueling infrastructure projects and enhancing the fabric of community life. Education reaps the rewards as multiple owners typically invest their extra income in the future through their children’s education. For those transitioning from agriculture to tourism, it’s a profound shift embraced with open arms, recognizing that sustainable tourism empowers, instills pride, and preserves culture. Despite its challenges, CBT in Sri Lanka is a journey where responsible tourism becomes a living celebration of cultural heritage, environmental stewardship, and shared prosperity, painting a vivid picture of resilience and triumph.